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Coming up!

Don't miss these events...

All about apples

Skookum Gleaners (formerly the Fruit Tree Project) presents Harry Burton, apple expert and orchardist, visiting Powell River to make a presentation on the evening of Tuesday July 13 and a workshop on Wednesday July 14, all about apples, local food systems, and preserving heritage varieties. This is a rare opportunity to learn all about organic tree care, pruning, and orcharding techniques from one of our regional experts. For more information, contact gleaners@skookumfood.ca.

Please contact us if you want to get involved picking fruit this summer! Or if you have fruit trees that will need picking. All fruit goes to benefit the community.


Texada Fly-in

The Texada Annual Fly-In held July 25 at the Texada airport begins at 9 am with a barbecue at noon. There will be contests, fun events for children, Fraser Blues Formation Flying Demonstration, aviation displays and airport camping.

The Fly-In draws hundreds of people, not only from Powell River and Texada, but from all over the province and the USA. For more information on the fly-in visit www.texada.org or call 604 486-0334.


Aerospace camp

The Texada Aero Space Camp will be held July 21 to 24 for youth between the ages of 10 and 18 years. There will be two levels of training, with an introductory stage and an advanced stage for last year's participants (and high school students). For more information call Doby Dobrostanski at 604 486-0334.


Sandcastle Weekend

Coming up July 10-11 is Sandcastle Weekend Join the parade--learn a song and dance at lip sync--grab some friends for the bed race, learn to skimboard or form a team and build a sandcastle. The parade gets things going at 10 am on Saturday; events and fun take place until 4 pm Sunday. Visit www.texada.org/sandcastle.html for a full schedule.



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